TRASTRA’s Bullet Time: From Crypto Wallet to Meta Banking

Roman Potemkin
6 min readJan 17, 2022
Image Credit: @starson_ua

2021 has been a fascinating year for TRASTRA. For one thing, in 2021 crypto has ceased being a quick money-making scheme and has established itself as a front runner in financial markets.

More importantly, crypto is a major part of consumer finance now. As the very definition of money changes in front of our very eyes in real-time, TRASTRA is hands-on, providing businesses and individuals with better ways to store and transfer value, highly efficient cross-border payroll, and ultra-modern banking. And we plan on being there for you for a long time, creating a product that makes managing digital assets as easy, if not easier, as managing cash.

In fact, we can now safely say that TRASTRA is a part of a brand new global monetary system for the masses that’s been in the making for centuries. It is safe to say that in 2021 society, governments, institutional and retail investors — all market players have recognised the actual value behind blockchain and are now actively participating in creating the unified legal and physical infrastructure for the token economy of the future.

2021 TRASTRA Highlights

So here’s where TRASTRA’s made its contribution to the movement.

Our main product — the TRASTRA Visa debit card — is taking the EEA by storm; compared to 2020, card orders are up 94% — that’s 3,5 times the growth of the S&P500 for the same period.

The total transactions volume has gone up by (ready?) 343%. Think about it: in just one year, the TRASTRA’s brand of hybrid banking has gained so many followers that the ability to spend crypto on daily needs is no longer an exotic concept. TRASTRA is rapidly becoming an indispensable tool not only for crypto enthusiasts and SMEs looking to use crypto for payroll but for regular people eager to take full advantage of the speed, security, and cost-effectiveness of hybrid banking.

Naturally, those results cannot be achieved without some serious efforts on the back end. Our code ninjas are hard at work building the backbone of TRASTRA so that every single member of the TRASTRA community may enjoy the best possible user experience.

We’ve integrated a fee management system in the user admin panel for more agile responses to any changes to the blockchain. The fee schedule has become more flexible, and the system reacts in real-time to any user-created order coming up with the order summary in seconds and without the need to bring in a member of the support team or a manager.

The multi-lingual verification is another big win for 2021. Having to undergo the verification process (the most important action of all on TRASTRA!) in a non-native language used to present a considerable problem (both legally and in practical terms) for a potential user. Now you can get verified on the platform in English, Spanish, Italian, German and French.

2021 was the year of API integrations with TRASTRA (Bonex, Mover, and others): crypto enthusiasts no longer have to visit multiple web resources to order a TRASTRA Visa debit card. They can do that right on the partner’s website and take advantage of partner services.

Here’s another big one: in 2021, TRASTRA onboarded the two most valuable stablecoins by market cap — USDC and USDT. It was the first major inception since TRASTRA’s humble beginning in 2017 when we launched with just five major cryptos.

We launched a crypto acquiring service with the help of our partner, Mercuryo, so TRASTRA clients can obtain crypto using regular bank cards. Today we provide a well-rounded payment infrastructure to accommodate crypto-heavy businesses, individual enthusiasts, traders, digital nomads and other participants in the digital economy.

Localising the TRASTRA mobile app and its complete redesign has also proven to be a step in the right direction. This was a major undertaking of the year, and I’m proud to say that we’ve passed the test with flying colours. Not only is the app now available in five major European languages, but we also have:

  • completely reworked the UI of the application for a more polished and intuitive user experience
  • redesigned the dashboard adding new fonts, styles, and a shutter. Users now don’t have to scroll frantically while the card is displayed. Instead, they can see more transactions and get a better view of each.
  • added a brand new ‘Settings’ screen — a complete redesign of the entire section, including both visual and functional revamp of ‘Search’ with a calendar for more search options.
  • completely reworked the exchange flow; exchanging assets in the app requires fewer actions.
  • modified the card ordering flow to simplify the process and speed things up.

We have overhauled our referral and affiliate programs creating a new workflow for a smoother, more intuitive collaboration. The fee schedule is now much more manageable; our partners can see the stats on each referral in their personal dashboards, with revenue generated through each partnership/referral schema clearly displayed.

What’s next

Kevin McCoy and Anil Dash hardly thought in 2014 that their NFT “Quantum” (a short video made by McCoy’s wife, Jennifer, and registered on the Namecoin blockchain) would start a revolution, but it did. By the time the word “meta” entered our vocabulary, the world wasn’t the same, and it will never be the same regardless of what happens to Bitcoin or whether or not the strange bedfellows Clinton and Trump will together lead an onslaught on crypto.

Over the last four and a half years, TRASTRA has managed to position itself perfectly on the brink between the fiat world and the realm of digital assets. Crypto is becoming paramount to gaming, and growth projections on this predictable alliance are nothing short of staggering.

The era of Gamified Banking is upon us. Crypto is broadening its horizons, and on top of remaining an investment vehicle and a remarkably convenient payment processing tool, it’s shaping up as a brand new communicative device. In turn, GameFi encompasses almost every aspect of the human condition. Conjoined, the two are unstoppable. From solidifying social interactions to developing into the new type of “people’s money,” NFT-based gamification is about to introduce an entirely new kind of utility to web dwellers. And TRASTRA intends to be smack-dab in the middle of it all — card in hand, infrastructure at the ready.

We are preparing an aggressive plan to list the top TRC-20 gaming tokens in 2022. In fact, we’re working on what we call a Rapid-Listing Program (RLP) that would provide issuers with a well-optimised road map and a number of bespoke solutions for fast onboarding on TRASTRA.

Bundled with such unique features of TRASTRA as IBAN in/out, crypto Visa card, and purchasing crypto for cash using regular bank cards, we are confident that RLP will push TRASTRA into the global mass-market spotlight.

No more complicated interfaces or hour-long tutorials. The TRASTRA experience will be further refined and optimised to the point of complete resemblance to a legacy banking app. Rank-and-file users in 2022 will no longer be concerned with token protocols or which blockchain they are on. The majority of digital economy participants want a familiar interface, smooth UX, legible statements, and an opportunity to earn rewards every step of the way, be it gaming, shopping, assets exchange, cash-out or anything else. TRASTRA will continue to work hard to deliver precisely that.

Will TRASTRA become the first-ever Meta Banker? There’s no doubt in my mind. All the pieces on the board are lined up in perfect order. We have the tech. We have the team. We have the unparalleled support of our community and an inside track to new markets in South-East Asia and Latin America.

Crucially, we’re living in a time when something incredible happens: the state's monopoly on minting money is withering. Three years ago, private miners had to hide their farms in unmarked barns in the middle of nowhere. Today, privately issued stablecoins represent a new reality of a truly free citizenry able to choose, prioritise, and transact value as it sees fit. Let’s live and prosper in it together.

Happy Holidays, and welcome to 2022!



Roman Potemkin

I’ve been a serial entrepreneur in fintech since 2006, founder of iDA mobile, InstaBank, UPUP, and now TRASTRA — a Visa-issued crypto debit card